At Last, A decently priced delicious neighborhood cafe!

Sasha and I had been cleaning house all day in our short shorts, her in flip-flops, me wearing my St. Bernard slippers to prepare for a potential roommate. We scurried to shower and the girl came by to look at the room, then left. Leaving Sasha and I starving. Dissatisfied  by the girl’s reaction to the room’s size, we decided to treat ourselves to lunch. We walked around the corner, down 2nd street and stopped at Orange where we sat outside of At Last Cafe.
Our server came out to take our already known order quite promptly. Sasha and I both ordered the Goddess Salad. Mixed greens tossed in their own goddess dressing and topped with avocado. We’ve both had it before and it’s completely addicting.


We both ordered sides, and Sasha ordered the pasta salad. Bow ties with a balsamic like tang with cherry tomatoes and shredded parmesan cheese.


For my side, I ordered the pan seared vegetables. You can’t tell in the picture, but there were more than just carrots and string beans, I forgot to snap a photo before I indulged, so this is all that was left. I don’t know what else he does to those vegetables, but if vegetables tasted like that normally, I’d eat them all the time!


Our check was roughly 20 bucks. Perfectly reasonable for a gourmet lunch. At Last Cafe is a good idea regardless on what you order. I hear the Creme Brulèe is to die for. Next time!!!

Mi piace!


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