I love Monkey Brains

by Sasha Milena

Sushi Bar

Sushi Bar

I started school last week and spent all of last Friday studying and taking an online quiz which I bearly passed.  So, I needed something to cheer me up and help me forget my scholarly worries.  A sushi date in the Valley seemed to be the answer.  I drove about an hour to get to my boyfriend’s house and as I hopped into his Jeep I could feel and hear my tummy rumbling.  My boyfriend said he know the best Sushi spot in the Valley, Sushi Raw, and after a 15 minute drive we pulled into a shopping center. He told me not to be alarmed at the location and to trust him. 

I knew I wanted a couple pieces of Yellow Tail Sushi and Miso Soup. I left the rest up to my Sushi Raw veteran.  He said we absolutely had to order the Monkey Brains. My first reacton was of course, “yuck! What kind of name is that?” He once again said to trust him.  Didn’t realize I was going to be doing so much trusting in one night! 



The Miso Soup and Yellow Tail came out first.  The soup was hot and had just the right amount of seaweed and tofu.  The Yellow Tail pieces were large and tender. We ordered another roll that had Unagi (eel) , avocado, shrimp and tempura on top with a sweet sauce.  I devoured that instantly and looked up to see a plate full of brains, Monkey Brains that is.

The Monkey Brains roll was a stuffed mushroom with spicy tuna and crab, all deep fried and sliced in halves.  The dipping sauce was red and yellow and bursting with flavor.  


I think everyone should try Monkey Brains at least once in their life. Go to Sushi Raw in Granada Hills. Just go. Please. Try it, at least just once. Thank you.

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